About Us

AquaponicLIFE was founded in 2010 in British Columbia, Canada, by Ed Anders and co‐creator Pete Moth. The Mission Statement of AquaponicLIFE is "To reduce the carbon footprint on the planet while spreading knowledge that leads to food abundance for all. "
AquaponicLIFE has designed systems that produce High Grade Organic Food without soil.
AquaponicLIFE has designed systems that produce High Grade Organic Food without soil.

We are committed to the distribution of the knowledge and technology of Aquaponics as one of the keys to promoting good health and eradicating malnutrition due to lack of vitamins, minerals and protein. The great thing about Aquaponics is that you don't have to be starving to benefit from it. It's a fantastic way to cut your grocery bill while feeding your family superior nutritious food products. Soil Gardeners use it for cuttings and propagation and others have created a viable small business selling excess produce, flowers, herbs and fish to supplement their income. Large scale commercial operations are also starting to pop up. Some gardeners just like the sound of running water, the sight of swimming fish and the Peace that comes from sitting among the growing Life as it flourishes. Aquaponics is a way to raise ones quality of LIFE.
AquaponicLIFE is committed to sharing the abundance because we know there is enough for everyone. There is enough technology and there is enough money. We know we can help raise the quality of life for many.
Aquaponics needs to be available to everyone.
AquaponicLIFE is committed to sharing the abundance because we know there is enough for everyone. There is enough technology and there is enough money. We know we can help raise the quality of life for many.
Aquaponics needs to be available to everyone.